Our People
Kyle Mottola: Product Development Engineer, USA

Kyle Mottola
Product Development Engineer
Audia Elastomers
I learned about the company through the parent of a high school friend that worked at Washington Penn and spoke very highly of the company. I was looking for internships at the time, so I explored the careers page, applied to an open opportunity, was hired, and I haven’t looked back.
I started with Washington Penn in 2017 as an intern in the mechanical lab, I returned the following summer as a process engineering intern at Arden. I was then hired on full-time out of college as the mechanical lab testing engineer, which was followed by a product development role in the automotive industry for Washington Penn. My current role is a CIA product development engineer for Audia Elastomers.
In just four years, I have held three different roles with Audia, all providing new and satisfying experiences that have enabled me to grow both professionally and personally to become a better engineer and a better person.
Everyone I’ve ever had the privilege to work with is knowledgeable and kind. All my coworkers are proud of the company that they work for. It is inspiring to come to work every day and to interact with people who truly stand behind the work they are doing. They are willing to take the time to assist our customers and other coworkers in any way that they can.
My favorite part of my job is building, from the ground up, all the unique applications and new technologies. Whether through project work or R&D, it is extremely rewarding to develop a successful product formula the company has not supported before. For the company as a whole, I really appreciate how accessible everyone is and how everyone knows your name across all levels and segments. This goes a long way toward emphasizing how Audia values you.
Audia provides me with room and the tools to grow both professionally and personally. They are extremely supportive of my career aspirations, and it is clear that they value me as an individual, instead of being just another employee. As I advance into my career, the support I’ve received makes me a better engineer every day.